1. 山东省自然科学基金项目“珊瑚菜多糖的提取及其抗衰老作用研究”,项目编号:Y2008E03,已结题。 2. 山东省高校科技发展计划项目“珊瑚菜的化学成分及体外抗肿瘤活性研究”,项目编号:J11LC18,已结题。 3. 必威BETWAY官网博士基金“几种滨海植物的化学成分及初步药理学研究”, 项目编号:XBS0806,已结题. 4. 何磊. 一种提取秋葵黄酮类化合物的方法,中国:201610034506.3 [P]. 2020-03-18. 4. Lijin Zhang, Shanshan Guo, Maoshan Wang, Lei He∗. PEG-based ultrasound-assisted extraction of polysaccharides from Ginkgo biloba leaves [J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015(80): 644–650 5. Lei He, Tao Fan, Jianguo Hu and Lijin Zhang*. Polyethylene glycol-based ultrasoundassisted extraction of magnolol and honokiol from Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis [J]. Natural Product Research, 2015, 29(1): 31-36 6. Lei He, Youshao WANG* and Qingji WANG. In vitro antitumor activity of triterpenes from Ceriops tagal[J]. Natural Product Research, 2007, 21(14): 1228–1233 7. 何磊.鲁菜文化产业开发的对策研究[J].济南市委党校学报,2012(2):28-31. |