科研成果 及奖励 |
1、主持代表性项目 (1)国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,21406133,反胶束萃取过程中大豆7S与11S球蛋白比例改变的机理研究,主持。 (2)山东省科技厅山东省重点研发计划项目, 2019QYTPY058, 生姜精深加工及副产物综合利用的关键集成技术研究, 主持。 (3)山东省农业厅, 庆云县农产品加工技术服务平台科技攻关项目, YFDDZ –ZG–15L–C06062, 主持。 (4)北京工商大学,北京市食品营养与人类健康高精尖创新中心开放基金, 主持。 (5)山东省科技厅山东省重点研发计划项目, 2011GNC11027 高活性大豆分离蛋白制备新型技术研究与新产品研发, 主持。 2、代表性论文 (1)Yunping Zhu, Xiaoyan Zhao*, Xiaowei Zhang, Hongkai Liu, Qiang Ao. Amino acid, structure and antioxidant properties of Haematococcus pluvialis protein hydrolysates produced by different proteases. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2021, 56:185-195. (2)Xiaoyan Zhao*, Ang Meng, Xiaowei Zhang, Hongkai Liu, Dongju Guo, Yunping Zhu. Effects of ultrafine grinding on physicochemical, functional and surface properties of ginger stem powders. J Sci Food Agric 2020, 2100:5558–5568 (3)Xiaoyan Zhao*, Lu Sun, Xiaowei Zhang, Hongkai Liu, Yunping Zhu. Effects of ultrafine grinding time on the functional and flavor properties of soybean protein isolate. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2020, 196:111345 (4)Xiaoyan Zhao*, Hongkai Liu, Xiaowei Zhang, Haitao Zhu. Comparison of structures of walnut protein fractions obtained through reverse micelles and alkaline extraction with isoelectric precipitation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 125: 1214-1220 (5)Xiaoyan Zhao*, Hongkai Liu, Xiaowei Zhang, Haitao Zhu, Qiang Ao. Surface structure and volatile characteristic of peanut proteins obtained through AOT reverse micelles. Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces, 2019, 173: 860-868 (6)Yunping Zhu, Xiaoyan Zhao*, Xiaowei Zhang, Hongkai Liu. Extraction, structural and functional properties of Haematococcus pluvialis protein after pigment removal. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019, 140:1073–1083 (7)Xiaoyan Zhao*, Hongkai Liu, Xiaowei Zhang, Guixiang Zhang, Haitao Zhu. Astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis Microencapsulated by Spray Drying: Characterization and Antioxidant Activity. Journal of America Oil Chemist’ Society, 2019, 96: 93–102 (8)Xiaoyan Zhao*, Han Sun, Haitao Zhu,, Hongkai Liu, Xiaowei Zhang, Zuoshan Feng. Effect of packaging methods and storage conditions on quality characteristics of flour product naan. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2019, 56(12):5362–5373 (9)Xiaoyan Zhao*, Xiaowei Zhang, Hongkai Liu, Haitao Zhu, Yunping Zhu. Enzyme-assisted extraction of astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis and its stability and antioxidant activity. Food Science and Biotechnology, 2019, 28(6):1637–1647 (10)Xiaoyan Zhao*, Xiaowei Zhang, Hongkai Liu Guixiang Zhang Qiang Ao. Functional, nutritional and flavor characteristic of soybean proteins obtained through reverse micelles. Food Hydrocolloids, 2018, 74:358–366 (11)Xiaoyan Zhao*, Xiaowei Zhang, Hongkai Liu, Han Sun. Optimization of AOT reversed micelle forward extraction of 7S globulin subunits from soybean proteins. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2018, 55(12):4909–4917 (12)Xiaoyan Zhao*, Hongkai Liu, Xiaowei Zhang, Qiang Ao. Effect of pressure grinding technology on the physicochemical and antioxidant properties of Tremella aurantialba powder. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2018, 42:e13833. (13)Haifang Hu, Tao Fan, Xiaoyan Zhao*, Xiaowei Zhang, Yali Sun, Hongkai Liu. Influence of pH and salt concentration on functional properties of walnut protein from different extraction methods Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2017, 54(9):2833–2841 (14)Xiaoyan Zhao*, Xiaowei Zhang, Lidan Fu, Haitao Zhu, Bingwen Zhang. Effect of extraction and drying methods on antioxidant activity of astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 2016, 99: 197–203 (15)Xiaoyan Zhao*, Lidan Fu, Di Liu, Haitao Zhu, Xingjun Wang, Yuping Bi. Magnetic-field-assisted extraction of astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2016, 40:463-472. 3、获奖情况 (1)大豆蛋白在反胶束萃取过程中构象与物理化学性质变化的规律研究, 山东省高等学校科学技术奖, 2017, 二等,排名第1. (2)植物性纤维原料在超微粉碎过程中的机械力化学效应机制研究, 山东省高等学校科学技术奖, 2019, 三等,排名第1. (3)雨生红球藻中虾青素在萃取过程中的传质机理及稳定性研究, 必威BETWAY官网优秀科技成果奖, 2017, 二等,排名第1. |
教学成果 及奖励 |
1、主持或参与项目 (1)必威BETWAY官网校级教研项目“新生研讨课<食品功能因子与产品研究>课程教学内容与教学方法的研究”(J1754), 主持. (2)必威BETWAY官网校级重点教研项目“健康中国视域下中华传统饮食文化融入烹饪专业教学体系的构建研究”(J1913), 参与. 2、论文 (1)赵晓燕*,朱运平, 张晓伟,刘红开. 基于“互联网+翻转课堂”背景下新生研讨课 “食品功能因子与产品开发”课程改革探索. 农产品加工, 2020, 3:112-113 (2)赵晓燕*,张晓伟,刘红开. 浅析我国工科新生研讨课的现状与发展. 必威BETWAY官网学报(社科版), 2019, S1, 29:223-224 (3)赵晓燕*,刘红开,张晓伟,张桂香. 转动课堂教学模式在新生研讨课“食品功能因与产品开发”教学中的应用与思考. 必威BETWAY官网学报(社科版), 2018, S1, 28:143-144 (4)赵晓燕*,张晓伟,张桂香,刘红开. 《食品功能因子与产品开发》新生研讨课课程教学改革探索与实践. 必威BETWAY官网学报(社科版), 2018, S1, 28:205-206 (5)赵晓燕*,张晓伟,王萌, 刘红开. 工科新生研讨课基于大数据背景下的教学模式研究, 必威BETWAY官网学报(社科版), 2020, S1, 30: 88-89. 3、获奖情况 基于创新能力培养的食品感官分析课程教学改革研究与实践,必威BETWAY官网校级优秀教学成果奖,三等奖,排名第4. |